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[摘要] 目的 探讨产房助产专业实习生带教难点问题的解决方法,提高产房带教质量。方法 通过开展QC小组活动,以“解决产房带教难点,提高带教质量”为宗旨,制定切实可行的带教计划并贯彻实施,最后检验实施效果。结果 助产专业实习生对产房教学难点中的胎方位的正确判断率由活动前的12%上升至活动后的80%,分娩机转的掌握由活动前的8%上升至活动后的72%,极大地提高了学生的学习兴趣,激发了带教者的带教热情,融洽了师生关系,提高了带教质量。结论 开展QC小组活动是提高产房带教质量、解决产房助产专业学生教学难点的一种行之有效的方法。
[关键词] QC小组; 产房; 带教难点
[中图分类号] G642.64 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2010)09-77-02
Role of QC Group in Solving Difficulty of Mentoring Midwifery Interns
ZHU Yuqin CHEN Xiaoxia CAI Qiaoqing
Obstetrics and Gynecology,Peking University Shenzhen Hospital,Shenzhen 518036,China
[Abstract] ObjectiveTo explore ways of solving the difficulties of mentoring midwifery interns and enhance the quality of midwifery internship. MethodsWe conducted prior/post investigation by QC group activities to solve the difficulties and enhance the quality in mentoring midwifery interns,and made viable mentoring plans,implemented the plans and checked the implementation with the above purpose in mind ......