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[摘要] 目的 分析我院麻醉药品使用情况,为临床合理使用麻醉药品提供参考。方法 分别统计我院2009~2010年住院患者和门诊患者的麻醉药品的用药金额、用药剂量、用药天数、用药频率、日均费用、药物利用指数等,分析临床用药情况。结果 2009~2010年我院麻醉药品在使用数量、消费金额及用药频度(DDDs)方面无明显变化;住院患者和门诊患者在使用麻醉药品方面存在明显差别;吗啡缓释片的用药频度在住院患者和门诊患者中均居前列,其药物利用指数(DUI)均>1;吗啡控释片和羟考酮控释片(40mg)的药物利用指数只在住院患者中>1。结论 我院麻醉药品使用基本合理,但仍存在不合理现象,应进一步加强对麻醉药品使用的监督管理。
[关键词] 麻醉药品;用药频度;药物利用指数
[中图分类号] R95[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)19-130-03
Analysis of Narcotics Using in Beijing Chest Hospital in 2009-2010
MU XiaopanWANG YabinDU Xiaoming
Beijing Chest Hospital, Beijing 101149, China
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the situation of narcotics using in our hospital for rationally clinical use. Methods The amount of money of using narcotics, the medication doses, the medication days, the frequency of administration, the average daily costs and the DUI in the inpatients and outpatients in our hospital from 2009 to 2010 were gathered and the situation of clinical drug using was statistically analyzed. Results There was no significant change in the consumption amount of narcotics, the amount of money and the DDDs in 2010 compared with 2009, which indicated a stable use of narcotics in our hospital. Significant differences existed in narcotics using between inpatients and outpatients. The outpatients were mainly tablet-based, however, the utilization rate of injection of inpatients was much higher than that in outpatients. The DDDs of morphine sustained release tablets was in the front rank in both inpatients and outpatients and the DUI of it was greater than 1 in both inpatients and outpatients. The DDDs of morphine oxycodone controlled-release tablets and controlled-release tablets (40mg) were greater than 1 only in inpatients, which indicated that the using was more rational in outpatients than in inpatients. Conclusion Narcotics using is basically rational in our hospital, but anomaly still exists. Further strengthen in supervision and control of narcotics using are expected.
[Key words] Narcotics; DDDs; DUI
肿瘤的发病率近年来逐年增加,并且有逐年明显上升的趋势[1]。麻醉药品是指长期、连续使用后易产生生理与心理依赖性的药品。该类药品如果使用合理,既可以降低患者痛苦又可以减轻患者的经济负担,反之则会成瘾并引发不良反应,加重患者的经济负担 ......