[摘要] 血小板在麻醉及手术中参与止血和凝血,血小板数量减少与疾病的发生、发展、预后密切相关,基于其重要的临床意义,本文回顾了近年来血小板减少疾病的研究进展,作一综述.[关键词] 血小板减少 ; 疾病 ; 研究进展
[中图分类号]R554.+6[文献标识码] A [文章编号]1673-9701(2011)20-27-04
The Progress of Studyon Thrombocytopenic Disease
ZHAO Zonggui1ZHANG Ziyun2
1.Department of Anesthesiology, the People’s Hospital of Yunxian County in Yunnan Province,Yunxian 675800,China;2.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College, Kunming 650101,China
[Abstract] Platelet Paticipates in hemostasis and coagulation during anaesthesia and operation, thrombocytopenia play an important role in the process and prognosis of disease,the literature on thrombocytopinic disease that was published in the past few years was reviewed because of the important clinical significance.
[Key words] Thrombocytopenic; Disease; The progress of study
血小板作为一种独立的血液成分 ......
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