[摘要] 介绍 “心肺脑复苏术” 仿真情境教学的目标与重点、难点、学生分析能力,教学设计基本思路,教学条件,教师执教能力要求及详细的教学过程设计。教学过程包括三个阶段:案例导入引出救护任务与学习目标;对病人评估与判断及教学活动设计;对心搏呼吸骤停病人的救护教学活动设计。[关键词]心肺脑复苏术; 救护;教学设计
[中图分类号] G642 [文献标识码]B[文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)20- 120-02
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Situation Teaching Lessons
ZHENG Wenjun
Shaoyang MedicalCollege in HunanProvince,Shaoyang 422000,China
[Abstract] This article introduces cardiopulmonary resuscitation situation teaching,focusing on teaching objectives, key points, difficult points and students’ analytical ability, teaching basic design ideas, teaching conditions, teaching competences as well as detailed teaching procedure design. Teaching procedures include three stages; case lead-in for nursing tasks and learning objectives; design on patients’ assessment and judgments and teaching activity; teaching activities design on patients’ cardiac arrest aid.
[Key words] Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;Nursing;Teaching design
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