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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月25日 中国现代医生 2011年第21期
     [摘要] 为了更好地完成精神科临床医疗带教工作,培养精神科医师整体综合素质,提高精神科临床医疗工作质量,保证医疗安全,我们对医院电教中心在培训精神科专业技术型人才实施方式、方法作用方面进行探讨。

    [关键词] 精神科;临床医疗;带教方法

    [中图分类号] R74 [文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)21-138-02

    Study of the Impact on Hospital Audio-visual Center in Management of the Psychiatrist’s Teaching

    LIANG Yaoxiang

    Electrified Education Centre of Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital,Guangzhou 510370,China

    [Abstract] In order to accomplish the work of teaching in clinical psychiatry well, train the overall quality of psychiatrist,improve the quality of psychiatric care,ensure the medical safety,we will study the impact on the ways and means of implementation of hospital audio-visual center in developing the realization of psychiatrist.

    [Key words] Psychiatric;Clinical care;Teaching method

    在现代社会当中 ......
    梁耀祥 广州市精神病医院电教中心;


    【关键词】 精神科 临床医疗 带教方法



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