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[摘要] 目的 探讨替米沙坦对原发性高血压患者血管内皮功能的保护作用。方法 选择50例原发性高血压患者(治疗组)予以口服替米沙坦胶囊(40~80)mg/d,连用12周;另选我院体检中心健康体检者30例作为对照组。结果 治疗组患者予以替米沙坦治疗12周后,收缩压和舒张压均下降至正常(P<0.05或P<0.01)。治疗组患者治疗前血浆VEGF、ET-1和vWF水平较对照组明显升高,而血浆NO水平较对照组明显降低(均P<0.01);予以替米沙坦治疗12周后,患者血浆VEGF、ET-1和vWF水平明显下降,而血浆NO水平明显上升(均P<0.01)。 结论 替米沙坦具有良好的降压作用,能明显改善并保护患者血管内皮功能。
[关键词] 原发性高血压;替米沙坦;血管内皮功能
[中图分类号] R544.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)26-58-02
The Protection of Telmisartan for the Function of Vascular Endothelium of Patients with Essential Hypertension
ZHANG Huaqing1 ZHANG Weiping2 LUO Lifei3
1.Department of Cardiology,Yiwu Traditional Chinese Hospital in Zhejiang Province,Yiwu 322000,China;2.Department of Clinical Laboratory,Yiwu Traditional Chinese Hospital in Zhejiang Province,Yiwu 322000,China;3.Department of Clinical Laboratory,Taizhou Hospital in Zhejiang Province,Taizhou 318050,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the protection of telmisartan for the function of vascular endothelium for patients with essential hypertension. Methods Fifty patients with essential hypertension were set as therapy group,took the telmisartan orally(40~80)mg/d for 12 weeks. Another 30 healthy people were chose as control group. Results After 12 weeks treated by telmisartan,the systolic and diatolic pressures of the patients in the therapy control were well controlled(P<0.05 or P<0.01). Before the treatment,the plasma level of VEGF、ET-1and vWF of patients of therapy group were significantly higher than that of control group,while the NO was oppsite(P<0.01). After 12 weeks treatment by telmisartan,the level of VEGF、ET-1 and vWF of paitents of therapy group decreased significantly,and the level of NO rising significantly(P<0.01). Conclusion Telmisartan can well descend the blood pressure,improve and protect the function of the vascular endothelium of the patients.
[Key words] Essential hypertension;Telmisartan;Function of vascular endothelium
近年来研究发现原发性高血压的发病与血管内皮功能障碍密切相关[1]。替米沙坦是新型的抑制肾素血管紧张素的药物,不仅具有良好的降压作用,还具有保护血管内皮细胞的功能[2]。本研究通过观察替米沙坦对原发性高血压患者血浆血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)、内皮素-1(ET-1)、一氧化氮(NO)和血管性假血友病因子(vWF)水平的影响,探讨替米沙坦治疗原发性高血压的疗效及其对患者血管内皮功能的保护作用 ......