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http://www.100md.com 2011年9月15日 蒋建峰 杨芳 唐云炳


     [摘要] 目的 探讨普贝生联合催产素在足月妊娠孕妇引产中的使用价值。方法 将有指征终止妊娠的200例足月妊娠孕妇随机分为两组:研究组采用普贝生阴道置入促宫颈成熟,24h后如未临产予催产素引产;对照组直接采用催产素引产。比较两组的引产效果。结果 研究组引产成功率(93%)高于对照组(45%),平均临产时间短于对照组,经比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组临产前因社会因素引产失败剖宫产率均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 普贝生联合催产素用于足月妊娠孕妇引产,能提高引产成功率,缩短临产时间,对降低剖宫产率、提高产妇身心健康具有重要社会意义。

    [关键词] 普贝生;足月妊娠;促宫颈成熟;催产素;引产

    [中图分类号] R719.31 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)26-70-03

    The Clinical Value of Propess Combined with Potocin in Induction of Full-term Pregnant Women

    JIANG Jianfeng1 YANG Fang2 TANG Yunbing3

    1.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,the Center Hospital of Shaoxing County,Shaoxing 312020,China;2.Department of Pharmacy,the Center Hospital of Shaoxing County,Shaoxing 312020,China;3.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,the Second Affilicated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College,Wenzhou 325027,China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical value of propess combined with pitocin in full-term pregnancy. Methods All 200 cases of full-term pregnant women were randomly divided into 2 groups,propess was used to promote cervical ripening in study group,if the pregnant women were not in labor after that,pitocin was used to induce labor,while the control group use pitocin only. Results The study group,s successful induction of labor rate was 93%,while the control group,s was 45%,the mean time in labor time in successful induction in the study group was shorter than than that in control group,and cesarean section rate of social factor,faliure of induction in the study group was less than that in control group and there were all have significant difference between them(P<0.05). Conclusion Using propess combine with pitocin in full-term pregnancy could improve the successful induction rate and reduce the time into labor,and it is useful to decrease the rate of cesarean section and improve the women’s health.

    [Key words] Propes;Full-term pregnancy;Cervical ripening;Pitocin;Induction

    既往在妊娠晚期引产时由于缺乏有效的促宫颈成熟药物,往往直接采用催产素引产,导致较高的引产失败率和剖宫产率,增加了产妇的痛苦和负担,其很大原因是由于引产时宫颈未成熟[1]。目前国外有较多的文献报道[2]应用普贝生(Propess,地诺前列酮PGE2栓)促宫颈成熟具有良好的效果 ......
