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[摘要] 目的 利用血管回声跟踪技术探讨绝经期妇女颈动脉弹性指标与血清激素指标的相关性。方法 研究组35例,对照组30例,分别对两组患者颈动脉弹性(血管僵硬度β、弹性系数Ep、顺应性AC和膨大指数AI)、血清激素(一氧化氮NO、血清雌二醇E2、促卵泡生成素FSH、泌乳素PRL以及黄体生成素LH)含量进行检测和比较分析。结果 研究组受试者左/右侧颈动脉弹性指标β、Ep、AI均明显高于对照组,AC明显低于对照组,研究组患者NO、E2明显低于对照组,FSH、PRL、LH明显高于对照组,数据经统计学比较具有显著差异(P<0.05);β、Ep、AI与NO呈负相关,而AC与NO呈正相关。结论 妇女血清激素对于动脉弹性有明显的影响,由于雌激素的下降和NO的减少,绝经期妇女动脉血管易出现形变征兆。
[关键词] 血管回声跟踪技术;绝经期妇女;颈动脉弹性
[中图分类号] R445.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)31-37-02
Evaluation of Carotid Artery Elasticity in Postmenopausal Women with Vascular Echo Tracking Technology
CHEN Weina
The Third People's Hospital of Yuyao City in Zhejiang Province,Yuyao 315400,China
[Abstract] Objective To use blood vessels echo tracking technology explore postmenopausal women carotid artery elasticity index and the correlation between serum hormone index. Methods The team 35 patients in the control group,30 cases respectively,the two groups of patients carotid artery elasticity(vascular stiffness elastic coefficient Ep,beta,compliance AC and swollen index, serum hormone(AI) NO,serum estradiol E2 nitric oxide,follicle stimulating erythropoietin FSH,prolactin PRL and corpus luteum erythropoietin LH) content in the detection and comparative analysis. Results The team were left/right carotid artery elasticity index beta,Ep,AI were significantly higher than that of the control group,the AC obvious lower than those of the control group,the team patients NO,obviously lower than those of the control group,E2,FSH and LH obviously higher than those in the control group,PRL,after statistics data had been significant difference(P<0.05);β,Ep,AI were negatively correlated with NO,AC were positively related with NO. Conclusion Women's serum hormone artery elasticity to has a significant impact on the function,because the decline of estrogen and NO,reduce postmenopausal women arterial easy appear deformation signs.
[Key words] Vascular echo tracking technology;Postmenopausal women;Carotid artery elasticity
随着医疗科技的不断发展与创新,近些年来临床对回声跟踪技术的研究也有了新突破,利用超声检测机体动脉弹性来预测患者动脉斑块的产生,提高预防性,成为一种高新技术并逐渐被各大医疗机构所研究[1] ......