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[摘要] 目的 探讨人文关怀和心理护理对宫颈癌术后患者康复的促进作用。方法 将46例宫颈癌术后患者随机分为观察组和对照组。对照组按术后护理常规进行护理;观察组患者术后除常规护理外,给予系统化的人文关怀和心理护理。分析两组患者心理障碍减轻或解除的程度及对护理工作的满意程度。结果 观察组患者心理障碍解除率为73.91%,对照组21.74%;观察组对护理工作满意率为82.61%,对照组为26.09%,两组比较均有显著差异。结论 系统化的人文关怀和心理护理能有效解除患者心理障碍,促进康复,提高患者对护理工作的满意度。
[中图分类号] R737.33 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)33-86-02
Humanistic Care and Psychological Nursing for Postoperative Patients with Cervical Cancer
ZHAO Suqing
Guanyun County People's Hospital in Jiangsu Provence, Guanyun 222200, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the humanistic care and psychological nursing in the role of promoting recovery of the postoperative patients with cervical cancer. Methods All of 46 postoperative patients with cervical cancer were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group. The control group patients were treated with postoperative routine nursing. In addition to routine care, the observation group patients were given the systematic humanistic care and psychological nursing. Analysis of two groups of patients with mental disorder lessen or remove the degree and on nursing job satisfaction. Results The observation group of mental disorders of the patients with release rate was 73.91%, and the control group was 21.74%; The observation group of nurses job satisfaction rate was 82.61%,and the control group was 26.09%,there was significant difference between two groups. Conclusion The systematic humanistic care and psychological nursing can effectively relieve patients with psychological disorders, promote the recovery of patients, improve the satisfaction with the nursing job.
[Key words] Humanistic care; Psychological nursing; Cervical cancer; Postoperative
宫颈癌是我国女性发病率最高的生殖道恶性肿瘤之一[1],已严重影响到妇女的身心健康,甚至危及生命。随着社会进步,患者对医疗服务质量的要求也越来越高,“让患者满意”是提升医疗服务质量的根本之一,而影响患者就医满意度有诸多因素,前4 位分别是医院的诊治医术(占30.1%)、医院人文关怀(占26.8%)、诊疗费用(占18.4%)、后勤保障(占14 .7%) [2] 。由此可见,人文关怀已经成为除了医院诊疗技术外影响患者满意度的最主要因素。宫颈癌根治手术导致生殖器官缺失、性激素水平的变化及其他并发症,使患者产生严重的心理失衡和悲观情绪,因此心理护理在护理工作中显得尤为重要。现将我院收治的宫颈癌术后患者人文关怀和心理护理研究报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 护理方法
所有术后患者均按基础护理、生活护理、健康教育等护理常规进行护理,观察组患者除常规护理外 ......