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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月15日 丁莉 周蕾


     [摘要] 目的 探讨免疫治疗不明原因习惯性流产(URSA)对封闭抗体(BA)表达的影响及临床意义。 方法 设110例URSA患者为治疗组,选择健康对照组90例及妊娠对照组80例,检测和比较三组BA、IL-6、IL-10、CD4+CD25+highTreg,采用免疫治疗BA阴性URSA患者。 结果 治疗前治疗组BA阳性率、IL-6、IL-10、CD4+CD25+highTreg显著低于健康对照组、妊娠对照组(P<0.05);治疗后治疗组BA阳性率显著高于治疗前(P<0.01);IL-6、IL-10、CD4+CD25+highTreg与健康对照组无显著差异(P>0.05);治疗组96例BA阳性者中94例(97.92%)成功妊娠,显著高于BA阴性患者(P<0.01)。 结论 URSA与免疫因素有关,通过免疫治疗能够有效提高URSA患者BA阳性率及妊娠成功率。

    [关键词] 不明原因习惯性流产;封闭抗体;免疫治疗

    [中图分类号] R714.21 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)02-0027-02

    Significance and effect of immunotherapy on blocking antibody expression in unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion

    DING Li ZHOU Lei

    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, People's Hospital of Beilun District in Ningbo City in Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315806, China

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the significance and effect of immunotherapy on blocking antibody (BA) expression in unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion (URSA). Methods Study group (A) had 110 cases of URSA, healthy group (B) had 90 healthy women, and pregnant group (C) had 80 healthy pregnant women. The BA, IL-6, IL-10, CD4+CD25+highTreg of 3 groups were detected and compared. The cases of BA negative URSA were treated by immunotherapy. Results Before immunotherapy, the BA, IL-6, IL-10, CD4+CD25+highTreg of A group were significantly lower than B and C (P<0.05). After 3 courses, the BA of A were significantly higher than before treatment (P<0.01), IL-6, IL-10, CD4+CD25+highTreg of A group were similar to B (P>0.05), but were higher than before treatment (P<0.05). There were 96 cases of BA positive in A after treatment,94 cases (97.92%) were successful pregnancy, and the pregnancy success rate was significantly higher than the cases of BA negative (P<0.01). Conclusion URSA is related to immune factors. Immunotherapy could improve the BA positive rate and the pregnancy success rate of women with URSA.

    [Key words] Unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion; Blocking antibody; Immunotherapy

    复发性自然流产病因复杂,其中40%~60%是不明原因习惯性流产(unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion ......
