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[摘要] 目的 了解实习护生锐器损伤的现状,为开展锐器伤防范知识和技能的培养及采取职业防护措施提供科学依据。 方法 采用问卷法调查100名实习护生锐器伤的发生率。 结果 100%实习护生发生过锐器伤,其中锐器伤以针刺伤占首位(58.67%);发生锐器伤的相关操作主要为开安瓿(35.56%)、处理废物(30.22%);发生锐器伤场所主要在治疗室(56.89%);锐器伤的发生率与实习时间成正比、与实习护生的学历无关,并且锐器伤后处理方法不规范。结论 实习护生缺乏锐器伤的防护意识,要加强锐器伤防护知识的培训,充分认识其重要性,增强防护意识,同时要加大职业防护的管理,以减少锐器伤的危害。
[关键词] 实习护生;锐器伤;调查分析;对策
[中图分类号] R474 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)02-0120-03
Survey on occurrence of sharp injuries among nursing students
CHEN Yurong LIANG Yue-xiang
1.Consultation Center of Difficult and Complicated Diseases, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212001, China; 2.Department of Nursing, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212001, China
[Abstract] Objective To understand the status of sharp injuries among nursing students for providing scientific evidence of taking corresponding occupational protection. Methods 100 nursing students were investigated to know the incidence of sharps injuries. Results 100% nursing students suffered sharp injuries.Of those sharp injuries 58.67% were caused by needles, which accounted for the first. The main operations related to sharp injuries are to open ampoule (35.56%), to treat waste (30.22%). Sharp injuries occurred mainly in the treatment room (56.89%); the incidence of sharp injuries is proportional to practice time of the nurses, and it has no relationship with the degree of nursing students. Nursing students' post-processing methods of sharp injuries are not standardized. Conclusion Nursing students have poor awareness of sharp injuries protection.Therefore, education of the sharp injuries protection knowledge should be emphasized , to recognize its importance and enhance sense of protection, while increasing the management of occupational protection to reduce the risk of sharp injuries .
[Key words] Nursing students; Sharp instrument injury; Investigation and analysis; Countermeasures
临床实习是护理学生成长的必由之路,但鉴于医院工作的特殊性,护生在临床实习期间面临各种职业危害,其中锐器伤是最常见的一种。大量研究证实护士是医院中发生锐器伤的高危人群[1-3]。实习护生由于环境不熟悉、技术不熟练、缺乏临床经验以及职业防护专业知识,发生锐器伤的机会更多。为此笔者于2009年12月对我院(综合性教学医院)的实习护生进行锐器伤发生情况的调查 ......
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