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[摘要] 目的 探讨小儿单纯型热性惊厥(simple febrile seizures,SFS)和复杂型热性惊厥(complex febrile seizures,CFS)血清心肌酶谱的变化及临床意义。 方法 对269例急性上呼吸道感染致热性惊厥(febrile seizures,FS)患儿进行心肌酶谱检测,根据病情分为两组,SFS组182例,CFS组 87例,对两组结果进行对比分析。 结果 小儿热性惊厥(FS)后心肌酶谱有不同程度的变化, CFS组血清肌酸激酶同工酶(creatine kinase-MB , CK-MB)、肌酸激酶(creatine kinase , CK)、乳酸脱氢酶(lactate dehydrogenase ,LDH)、天冬氨酸转移酶(aspartate minotransferase, AST)的 阳性率均增高,但与SFS组相比,只有CK-MB的阳性率差异有统计学意义(P <0.01);CFS组CK-MB、CK、LDH、 AST的检测值均升高,但与SFS组相比,只有CK-MB的检测值差异有统计学意义(P <0.01)。 结论 FS患儿抽搐时会引起心肌受损,CFS引起心肌受损更严重;CK-MB可作为FS心肌受损早期诊断及心肌受损严重程度的重要指标;对FS患儿要尽快止惊,减轻心肌损伤,尽早发现心肌受损,及时给予保护措施。
[关键词] 单纯型热性惊厥;复杂型热性惊厥;血清心肌酶;小儿
[中图分类号] R720.597 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)06-0143-02
Clinical analysis of cardiac muscle zymogram changes for children with simple and complex febrile convulsion
Department of Pediatrics, the First People’s Hospital of Taizhou City in Zhejiang Province, Taizhou 318020, China
[Abstract] Objectives To discuss the change and clinical significance of serum cardiac muscle zymogram in children with simple febrile seizures(SFS) and complex febrile seizures(CFS). Methods All of 269 patients with acute throat infection to cause febrile seizures(FS) were divided into two groups, 182 patients in SFS groups and 87patients in CFS groups. They were detected the cardiac muscle zymogram, and contrasted the result of two groups. Results The cardiac muscle zymogram has different degree changes after the febrile convulsion, the positive rate of the creatine kinase-MB(CK-MB), creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), aspartate minotransferase (AST) in CFS groups were all increased, but Compared with the SFS groups, just the positive rate of CK-MB have significant differences (P < 0.01), the data of CK-MB, CK, LDH,AST in CFS groups were all increased. Compared with the SFS groups, just only the CK-MB has significant differences(P < 0.01). Conclusion The FS children with twitching could be caused myocardial damage, and it will be more serious in CFS, so the CK-MB could be as important index for FS early diagnosis and severity of myocardial damage ......