[摘要] 目的 通过观察加味温胆汤对冠心病痰浊血瘀证动物模型血清IL—6水平的影响,以探讨其在冠心病发病中的作用机制。 方法 采用冠状动脉结扎术和高脂饲料喂养法,建立近似冠心病痰浊血瘀证动物模型,将家兔40只随机分成5组,每组8只,即空白组、模型组、中药低剂量组、中药中剂量组、中药高剂量组,中药低、中、高剂量组分别以加味温胆汤治疗14 d,采用ELISA法观察加味温胆汤对冠心病痰浊血瘀证动物血清IL—6水平的影响。 结果 中药高、中、低剂量组,与模型组相比,可改善家兔血液流变学变化,抑制血清IL—6水平。 结论 加味温胆汤能够改善家兔血液流变学变化,抑制血清IL—6水平,能够稳定冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块,对冠心病痰浊血瘀证起到一定的防治作用。
[关键词] 加味温胆汤;冠心病痰浊血瘀证;IL—6
[中图分类号] R541.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673—9701(2012)24—0001—02
Effect of Wendan Decoction on serum IL—6 level of experimental coronary heart disease phlegm and blood stasis syndrome model in rabbits
Cardiovascular Division,Heilongjiang Academy of TCM,Haerbin 150036,China
[Abstract] Objective To observe Wendan Decoction infulence on serum IL—6 level of the coronary heart disease phlegm and blood stasis syndrome model in rabbits and to investigate its mechanism for coronary heart disease. Methods Replicated the animal models with the method of coronary artery ligation and high fat feeding. 40 rabbits were devided into 5 groups at random, the blank group and the other four groups with 8 rabbits each. Treat the rats of high dose traditional Chinese medicine group and low dose traditional Chinese medicine group with the treatment of Wendan Decoction about 14 days. At the same time, elise method was used to to observe the effect on the coronary heart disease Phlegm and blood stasis Syndrome Model in rabbits serum IL—6 level. Results The high dose traditional Chinese medicine group and low dose traditional Chinese medicine group comparison with model group,prescription of Wendan Decoction can improve the blood rheology of the rabbits model with coronary heart disease. It also can inhibit serum the level of serum IL—6. Conclusion The prescription of Wendan Decoction can improve the blood rheology of the rabbits model with coronary heart disease and inhibit serum the level of serum IL—6. To stabilize the coronary atherosclerotic plaque. Phlegm Blood Stasis Syndrome of coronary heart disease plays a role in prevention and treatment.
[Key words] Wendan Decoction; Coronary heart disease phlegm and blood stasis syndrome; IL—6
1.1 实验药物及试剂
加味温胆汤组成:半夏、陈皮、茯苓、甘草、胆星、竹茹、苍术、元胡、丹参、川芎、赤芍、牛膝、黄芪等药物经两次煎煮后,过滤、混合,分别浓缩成浓度为1∶1(2.4 g生药/mL)、2∶1(4.8 g生药/mL)、4∶1(9.6 g生药/mL)的水煎剂备用;IL—6试剂盒购自晶美生物工程有限公司。(张丽丽 李雁)