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http://www.100md.com 2012年9月15日 胡松


     [摘要] 目的 探讨影响NSTE—AMI患者发生心衰的危险因素。 方法 对69例NSTE—AMI合并心衰患者的临床特点进行回顾性分析,调查年龄、性别、体重、吸烟史、高血压病史、糖尿病史、高胆固醇血症、高尿酸血症、心电图avR ST段是否抬高及ST段下移程度等因素,首先进行单因素分析,选P < 0.10的因素进行多因素非条件Logistic模型分析。结果 Logistic分析显示,急性非急性ST段抬高型心梗发生心衰与下列因素有关:年龄(OR = 1.03,95%CI 1.00~1.17,P = 0.03),性别(OR = 1.59,95%CI 0.73~3.48,P = 0.04),高血压病史(OR = 2.67,95%CI 1.01~4.37,P = 0.02),糖尿病史(OR = 2.53,95%CI 1.05~6.13,P = 0.03),高尿酸血症(OR = 1.44,95%CI 1.17~1.71,P = 0.00),avR ST段抬高(OR = 4.35,95%CI 1.82~6.43,P = 0.04),ST段下移程度(OR = 3.31,95%CI 1.00~4.01,P = 0.01)。 结论 年龄、性别、高血压病、糖尿病史、高尿酸血症、avR ST段抬高、ST段下移程度等是急性非ST抬高型心梗后发生心衰的重要危险因素。

    [关键词] 急性非ST段抬高型心梗;心衰;危险因素

    [中图分类号] R542.22;R541.6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673—9701(2012)26—0013—03

    Clinical analysis of non—ST—segment elevation acute myocardial infarction complicated with acute heart failure

    HU Song

    Deparment of Heart Internal Medicine, the Hunan Want Want Hospital, Changsha 410000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To discuss the risk factors influencing non—ST—segment elevation acute myocardial infarction occuring acute heart failure. Methods Reviewed 69 cases of non—ST—segment elevation acute myocardial infarction patients complicated with acute heart failure,univariate analysis was used on the factors of age,sex,weight,smoking,hypertention,diabetes,hypercholesterolemia,hyperuricemia,avR ST segment elevation,level of ST segment depression in ECG,and then non—conditional logistic model multivariate analysis was used on adjustment for the factors above. Results Acute Heart Failure occurrence in non—ST—segment elevation acute myocardial infarction cases related to age(OR = 1.03,95%CI 1.00~1.17,P = 0.03),sex(OR = 1.59,95%CI 0.73~3.48,P = 0 ......
