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[摘要] 目的 探讨彩色多普勒超声对乳腺非典型性增生及早期乳腺癌的诊断价值。 方法 抽取我院2005~2011年200例术前经彩超检查怀疑为乳腺非典型性增生与乳腺癌患者的超声图,并对其图像特征进行回顾性分析,根据手术病理诊断结果、乳房影像检查报告及数据评分系统进行分类评分,研究超声在诊断以上两个疾病方面的优势。结果 在抽取的200例患者中,经临床病理确诊的非典型性增生64例,占32%,早期乳腺癌132例,占66%,良性病例4例,占2%。而术前经超声诊断非典型性增生62例,占31%,早期乳腺癌138例,占69%。误诊6例,漏诊2例。结论 彩色多普勒超声可提高乳腺非典型性增生及早期乳腺癌的诊断率,具有较高的敏感性及特异性,可以早期阻断癌前病变,提高对乳腺癌的认识,从而提高临床治愈率。
[关键词] 多普勒超声;乳腺非典型性增生;早期乳腺癌;诊断
[中图分类号] R655.8;R737.9 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673—9701(2012)26—0094—02
Diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound in atypical hyperplasia of breast and early mammary cancer
ZHANG Meirong1 LI Jing2
1.Department of Ultrasonography, the Second People’s Hospital of Jincheng City in Shanxi Province, Jincheng 048000, China; 2.Department of Ultrasonography, Maternal and Child Healthcare Hospital of Zezhou County in Shanxi Province, Zezhou 048000, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound in atypical hyperplasia of breast and early mammary cancer. Methods A total of 200 cases who were suspected of atypical hyperplasia of breast and early mammary cancer within Doppler ultrasound were selected randomly from 2005 to 2011. The characteristics of the ultrasound image of the two diseases were analyzed retrospectively. The features of the two diseases were studied according to the pathological results and BI—RADS. Results Among these 200 patients, compared the results of pathological and the Doppler ultrasound, the number of the atypical hyperplasia was 64 vs 62, and the percentage was 32% vs 31%; the number of early mammary cancer was 132 vs 138, and the percentage was 66% vs 69%. 6 cases were misdiagnosed and 2 cases were miss diagnosed. Conclusion Doppler ultrasound can increase the diagnosis rate of atypical hyperplasia of breast and early mammary cancer with high intensity and specificity ......
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