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[摘要] 目的 探讨有创中心动脉压(invasive central aortic pressure,ICAP)与外周动脉压的相关性及中心动脉压的影响因素。 方法 分别通过冠状动脉造影检测155例患者的有创中心动脉压、有创外周肱动脉血压(invasive brachial artery blood pressure,IBABP)和有创桡动脉血压(invasive radial artery blood pressure IRABP),结果显示共有48例非心血管病患者、107例心血管病患者,记录所有患者的年龄、性别、肱骨下端周径、桡骨下端周径、空腹血糖、血总胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的参数值,采用SPSS 16.0统计学软件进行线性回归分析及t检验。 结果 ①收缩压方程式:a(中心动脉压)=13.999+0.856b(肱动脉血压)(P = 0.000);a=37.92+0.64c(桡动脉血压)(P = 0.000)。②舒张压方程式:a=16.292+0.836b(P = 0.000);a=31.038+0.637c(P = 0.000)。结论 有创中心动脉压与有创肱动脉血压的一致性更好,年龄、肱骨下端周径、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白是影响中心动脉压的敏感因素,尤其是肱骨下端周径X2、甘油三酯X6水平值。
[关键词] 有创中心动脉压;有创外周动脉压;相关性
[中图分类号] R544.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673—9701(2012)27—0066—04
Relevance on invasive central aortic pressure and invasive peripheral arterial blood pressure and analysis its influencing factors
Department of Cardiology, the People’s Hospital of Beilun District of Ningbo City, Ningbo 315800,China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the proximity of invasive central aortic pressure and invasive peripheral arterial blood pressure, and the influencing factors of central aortic pressure. Methods All 155 patients were detected by invasive central aortic pressure, peripheral invasive brachial artery blood pressure and invasive radial artery blood pressure. The results showed that a total of 48 coronal non—cardiovascular patients, 107 cardiovascular patients, make a records of all patients age, sex, the lower circumference of humerus, radius bottom circumference, glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, Linear Regression Analysis and t test using SPSS 16.0. Results (1) The systolic blood pressure equation: a (central aortic pressure) = 13.999 +0.856 b (brachial artery blood pressure)(P = 0.000); a = 37.92 +0.64 c (radial artery blood pressure)(P = 0.000). (2) DBP formula:a = 16.292 +0.836 b (P = 0.000); a = 31.038 +0.637 c(P = 0.000). Conclusion Invasive central aortic pressure and invasive brachial artery blood pressure have better consistency, age, the lower end of humerus circumference, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein is the impact of central arterial pressure sensitive factors, especially the lower end of humerus circumference X2 And triglyceride levels X6 value.
[Key words] Invasive central arterial pressure; Invasive peripheral arterial pressure;Correlation