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[摘要] 目的 探讨AECOPD患者出现意识障碍的病因构成及表现。 方法 回顾分析本院近4年收治的AECOPD患者263例。 结果 本院2008年1月~2011年12月在本院住院治疗AECOPD患者263例,出现意识障碍患者52例,占总数的19.7%,其中肺脑所致26例,占意识障碍总数50%,其他并发症所致如电解质紊乱、低渗性脑病10例,共占19.2%,脑部疾病共8例,占15.4%,其中脑梗死5例,占9.6%,癫痫1例、病毒性脑炎1例、颞叶脑肿瘤1例,共占5.8%。药物反应6例,占11.5%。低血糖昏迷2例,占3.9%。 结论 AECOPD患者出现意识障碍不单是肺脑所致,需仔细分析检查,明确原因,针对性治疗。
[关键词] AECOPD;意识障碍;原因分析
[中图分类号] R563.8 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)30-0149-02
Analysis of the causes of patients with disorders of consciousness caused by AECOPD
LI Xiaobin LI Xiaoyi XU Liyun
Deparment of Internal Medicine, Wanzai People's Hospital of Jiangxi Province, Wanzai 336100, China
[Abstract] Objective To study the etiology and manifestations of AECOPD with disturbance of consciousness. Methods All of 263 cases of AECOPD from our hospital in the recent 4 years were reviewed. Results Fifty-two (19.7%) showed a disturbance of consciousness, in which 26(50%) caused by the pulmonary encephalopathy, 10(19.7%) by other complications like electrolyte disturbances and hypotonic encephalopathy, 8(15.4%) by brain diseases (five cerebral infarction, one epilepsy, one viral encephalitis and one temporal lobe brain tumor), 6(11.5%) drug reaction and 2(3.9%) hypoglycemic coma. Conclusion The disturbance of consciousness in AECOPD is not only caused by the pulmonary encephalopathy, and should be carefully checked and analyzed to make clear the reason and accordingly treated.
[Key words] AECOPD; Disturbance of consciousness; Cause analysis
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
2008年1月~2011年12月在本院住院AECOPD患者263例次 ......