[摘要] 目的 探讨低浓度对比剂在冠状动脉CTA中的使用优势,以优化冠状动脉CTA的检查。 方法 采集2014年2~4月期间60例CTA患者并将其随机分为两组,每组30例,分别使用碘浓度为300 mg/mL和320 mg/mL的碘帕醇,比较两组胸主动脉、左冠状动脉前降支、回旋支以及右冠状动脉的近、中、远端各管腔的CT值差异。结果 两组对比剂上述各段管腔CT值比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 低浓度的碘帕醇(300 mg/mL)可以代替浓度为320 mg/mL的碘帕醇常规用于冠状动脉CTA。
[关键词] 计算机断层显像;冠状动脉;血管造影;对比剂
[中图分类号] R816.2 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2015)21-0074-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the application advantages of low concentration contrast agent in coronary artery CTA, so as to optimize the examination of coronary artery CTA. Methods Sixty CTA patients from Feb 2014 to Apr 2014 were collected and were randomly assigned to two groups. They were given iopamidol with the iodine concentration of 300 mg/mL and 320 mg/mL, with 30 patients in each group. Differences of CT value of each lumen of thoracic aorta, left anterior descending coronary artery, left circumflex coronary artery and proximal, middle and distal end of right coronary artery were compared between the two groups. Results There was statistical difference compared between CT values of above each lumen in the two groups of contrast agent (P<0.05). Conclusion Low concentration iopamidol(300 mg/mL) is able to substitute the iopamidol with the concentration of 320 mg/mL, and to be applied in coronary artery CTA.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words] Computed tomography; Coronary artery; Angiography; Contrast agent
冠状动脉CT为新兴的冠心病诊断方法,与冠状动脉造影一致性较高,且易被患者接受。成像效果受受检者心率、对比剂的用量、对比剂注射的速率、扫描延迟时间、冠状动脉是否钙化及斑块性质等多方面影响。以往多以浓度为370 mg/mL的对比剂进行冠状动脉CTA的检查,但由于高浓度对比剂的高渗性、肾毒副作用极大,对比剂肾病已成为药源性肾病最大“杀手”。本文通过对300 mg/mL和320 mg/mL两种不同浓度的碘帕醇的研究,对照其成像效果差异,探讨低浓度对比剂在冠状动脉CTA的使用优势,以优化冠状动脉CTA对比剂浓度。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
, 百拇医药
1.2 对比剂的应用
碘帕醇300组,碘含量为300 mg/mL;碘帕醇320组,碘含量为320 mg/mL。根据患者不同体重身高指数(weight high index)确定对比剂用量,按体重每千克0.8 mL的低对比剂用量。最终对比剂容量45~55 mL生理盐水30 mL,注射流率 5.0 mL/s。
1.3 CT扫描及比较指标
所用扫描仪为西门子双源SOMATOM Definition Flash CT,CT检查用容积CT数字减影血管造影术(volume computed tomography digital substraction angiography,VCTDSA),扫描参数:mAS=170,Kv=100,Thickness=0.75 mm,Threshold=100。选择的扫描层面为气管分叉下1 cm。ROI感兴趣区设置在主动脉弓下胸主动脉处,面积约1 cm2。由于从左肘静脉注射,左侧无名静脉从主动脉分叉前经过,可造成对比剂浓度过高伪影,故从右侧肘静脉放置19号留置针,然后使用高压注射器按预定方案经其注入对比剂。3例患者有恶心、皮疹等轻微过敏反应,未经处理,休息后症状消失。分别测量患者主动脉弓下胸主动脉管腔和前降支、回旋支及右冠状动脉的近端、中段和远端CT值以评估两组对比剂对冠状动脉分支的显示情况。
1.4 统计学分析
采用SPSS17.0统计学软件,计量资料以(x±s)表示。两组间比较采用独立样本t检验,计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。, http://www.100md.com(陈婷婷)
[关键词] 计算机断层显像;冠状动脉;血管造影;对比剂
[中图分类号] R816.2 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2015)21-0074-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the application advantages of low concentration contrast agent in coronary artery CTA, so as to optimize the examination of coronary artery CTA. Methods Sixty CTA patients from Feb 2014 to Apr 2014 were collected and were randomly assigned to two groups. They were given iopamidol with the iodine concentration of 300 mg/mL and 320 mg/mL, with 30 patients in each group. Differences of CT value of each lumen of thoracic aorta, left anterior descending coronary artery, left circumflex coronary artery and proximal, middle and distal end of right coronary artery were compared between the two groups. Results There was statistical difference compared between CT values of above each lumen in the two groups of contrast agent (P<0.05). Conclusion Low concentration iopamidol(300 mg/mL) is able to substitute the iopamidol with the concentration of 320 mg/mL, and to be applied in coronary artery CTA.
, http://www.100md.com
[Key words] Computed tomography; Coronary artery; Angiography; Contrast agent
冠状动脉CT为新兴的冠心病诊断方法,与冠状动脉造影一致性较高,且易被患者接受。成像效果受受检者心率、对比剂的用量、对比剂注射的速率、扫描延迟时间、冠状动脉是否钙化及斑块性质等多方面影响。以往多以浓度为370 mg/mL的对比剂进行冠状动脉CTA的检查,但由于高浓度对比剂的高渗性、肾毒副作用极大,对比剂肾病已成为药源性肾病最大“杀手”。本文通过对300 mg/mL和320 mg/mL两种不同浓度的碘帕醇的研究,对照其成像效果差异,探讨低浓度对比剂在冠状动脉CTA的使用优势,以优化冠状动脉CTA对比剂浓度。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
, 百拇医药
1.2 对比剂的应用
碘帕醇300组,碘含量为300 mg/mL;碘帕醇320组,碘含量为320 mg/mL。根据患者不同体重身高指数(weight high index)确定对比剂用量,按体重每千克0.8 mL的低对比剂用量。最终对比剂容量45~55 mL生理盐水30 mL,注射流率 5.0 mL/s。
1.3 CT扫描及比较指标
所用扫描仪为西门子双源SOMATOM Definition Flash CT,CT检查用容积CT数字减影血管造影术(volume computed tomography digital substraction angiography,VCTDSA),扫描参数:mAS=170,Kv=100,Thickness=0.75 mm,Threshold=100。选择的扫描层面为气管分叉下1 cm。ROI感兴趣区设置在主动脉弓下胸主动脉处,面积约1 cm2。由于从左肘静脉注射,左侧无名静脉从主动脉分叉前经过,可造成对比剂浓度过高伪影,故从右侧肘静脉放置19号留置针,然后使用高压注射器按预定方案经其注入对比剂。3例患者有恶心、皮疹等轻微过敏反应,未经处理,休息后症状消失。分别测量患者主动脉弓下胸主动脉管腔和前降支、回旋支及右冠状动脉的近端、中段和远端CT值以评估两组对比剂对冠状动脉分支的显示情况。
1.4 统计学分析
采用SPSS17.0统计学软件,计量资料以(x±s)表示。两组间比较采用独立样本t检验,计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。, http://www.100md.com(陈婷婷)