[摘要] 慢性病管理是健康管理最重要的工作之一,也是公共卫生最重要的实践及卫生信息技术领域的研究热点。通过认识循证公共卫生与循证医学的区别,了解慢性病管理和循证公共卫生的共同需求,思考循证公共卫生在慢性病管理中的应用价值来探讨循证公共卫生在慢性病管理实践中的应用,并为该体系的建设和完善提供更有利的依据和建议。[关键词] 健康管理;循证公共卫生;慢性病管理;应用价值
[中图分类号] R197 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)06-0137-03
[Abstract] Chronic disease management is one of the most important work of health management, and is also the most important practice in public health and the research hot spot in health information technology field. Through recognizing the difference between evidence-based public health and evidence-based medicine to understand the common needs of chronic disease management and evidence-based public health ......
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