[摘要] 目的 探讨宫内环合并异位妊娠的中西医结合保守治疗。 方法 选择我院2014~2016年宫内环合并异位妊娠住院患者29例为研究对象,入院后完善检查,均予以甲氨蝶呤与中药配伍的保守治疗,并对其治疗成功因素加以探讨。结果 宫内环合并异位妊娠29例住院期间生命体征正常,复查血β-HCG均大幅度下降,患者随访均正常月经来潮,无明显合并症与并发症。结论 宫内环合并异位妊娠,可以早期发现,保守治疗成功有效,可以避免手术,值得尝试。[关键词] 宫内节育环;异位妊娠;保守治疗;中西医结合;避孕
[中圖分类号] R714.22 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)07-0053-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the conservative treatment of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy combined with intrauterine ring. Methods A total of 29 patients with ectopic pregnancy combined with intrauterine ring who were hospitalized in our hospital from 2014 to 2016 were selected as study objects. They were given comprehensive examinations after admission ......
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