[摘要] 目的 探讨分析彩色多普勒超声对女童特发性性早熟的临床诊断价值。 方法 选择我院收治确诊的68例特发性性早熟女童作为性早熟组,在将其分为中枢性性早熟组(CPP组)21例、外周性性早熟组(PPP组)47例,再选择50例健康女童作为对照组,对各组儿童进行彩色多普勒超声检查,并对检查结果进行比较分析。 结果 性早熟组女童彩色多普勒超声检查子宫容积、卵巢容积、卵泡个数、最大卵泡直径及子宫内膜厚度均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);CPP组儿童其子宫容积、卵巢容积、卵泡个数以及最大卵泡直径均显著高于PPP组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 彩色多普勒超声检查对女童特发性性早熟的鉴别诊断具有重要临床价值,且检查方便、无创,患儿痛苦少,容易被患儿及其家长所接受,值得临床推广。[关键词] 彩色多普勒超声;特发性性早熟;女童;诊断
[中图分类号] R729 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)16-0094-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasonography in girls with idiopathic precocious puberty. Methods 68 girl patients with idiopathic precocious puberty admitted in our hospital were selected as the precocious puberty group. Then the girl patients were divided into central precocious puberty group(CPP group) with 21 cases and peripheral precocious puberty group (PPP group) with 47 cases. 50 healthy girls were selected as the control group. Color Doppler ultrasonography was performed on each group of children ......
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