[摘要] 目的 探讨延续性护理干预在提高肺结核患者认知中的作用。 方法 选取2015年1月~2016年6月在我院治疗的90例肺结核患者,随机分为实验组和对照组,其中对照组患者行常规护理,实验组患者实施延续性护理干预,观察比较两组患者依从性、知识掌握情况、治疗效果和心理状态差异。 结果 实验组加强营养(91.11%)、稳定情绪(95.56%)、定期复查(93.33%)、遵医嘱服药(97.78%)、戒烟戒酒(100.0%)、规律作息(93.33%)明显高于对照组,发病原因(95.56%)、正确用药方法(93.33%)、自我保健(97.78%)、临床表现(93.33%)、药物不良反应(88.89%)较对照组明显提高(P<0.05)。实验组治愈率(95.56%)、复发率(4.44%)较对照组显著改善(P<0.05)。治疗后实验组SAS(30.53±2.59)分、SDS(29.94±2.43)分较对照组显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 针对肺结核患者应用延续性护理干预可明显提高治疗效果,提高患者认知能力及依从性,改善心理状态,值得推广应用。
[关键词] 延续性护理干预;肺结核;认知;依从性
[中图分类号] R473 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)05-0139-03
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of continuous nursing intervention on improving the cognition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods 90 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who were treated in our hospital from January 2015 to June 2016 were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, in which the control group received routine nursing intervention and the experimental group received continuous nursing intervention. The differences in patient compliance, knowledge of the situation, the treatment effect and psychological status between two groups were observed and compared. Results The strengthening nutrition (91.11%), stable emotion(95.56%), regular review(93.33%), prescribed medication(97.78%), quiting smoking and drinking(100.0%) and the regular rest and work(93.33%) in the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group(P<0.05). The cause of the disease(95.56%), the correct method of medication(93.33%), self-care (97.78%), clinical manifestations(93.33%)and adverse drug reactions(88.89%)in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05). The cure rate(95.56%)and the recurrence rate(4.44%) in the experimental group significantly improved compared with that of the control group(P<0.05). The SAS(30.53±2.59)points and SDS(29.94±2.43)points in the experimental group significantly decreased compared with that of the control group after treatment, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The continuous nursing intervention applied in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis can significantly improve the therapeutic effect, improve patients' cognitive ability and compliance, and improve the psychological status, which is worth popularizing and applying.
[Key words] Continuing nursing intervention;Pulmonary tuberculosis;Cognition;Compliance
肺結核为临床常见传染病,多通过呼吸道传播,目前我国肺结核防治面临较大压力。肺结核具有病程长、易传染、易反复发作等特点,临床症状包括:发热、咳嗽、咳痰、胸闷、乏力等。因压力增加、社会环境因素和不良生活习惯,导致我国肺结核发病率呈现增加趋势,同时呈现出低龄化趋势[1-3]。肺结核治疗周期长,需要多种药物联合治疗,不良反应较多,若患者用药依从性差,可直接影响治疗效果[4]。患者出院后的心理、生理、家庭和社会等因素也可能影响患者康复。患者出院后受多种因素影响,未遵循治疗原则,不能规律用药,部分患者甚至擅自停药,导致治疗效果不佳甚至病情恶化。因此,除药物治疗外,积极的护理措施在肺结核治疗和恢复中,发挥重要作用。延续性护理是住院护理的延续,患者在住所治疗后恢复期中得到持续护理,促进患者康复[5-6]。延续性护理可提高患者的认知程度,对肺结核的预后具有重大意义。本文通过对我院收治的90例肺结核患者进行研究分析,讨论延续性护理干预在肺结核治疗中的意义,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(张岚)
[关键词] 延续性护理干预;肺结核;认知;依从性
[中图分类号] R473 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)05-0139-03
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of continuous nursing intervention on improving the cognition of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods 90 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who were treated in our hospital from January 2015 to June 2016 were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, in which the control group received routine nursing intervention and the experimental group received continuous nursing intervention. The differences in patient compliance, knowledge of the situation, the treatment effect and psychological status between two groups were observed and compared. Results The strengthening nutrition (91.11%), stable emotion(95.56%), regular review(93.33%), prescribed medication(97.78%), quiting smoking and drinking(100.0%) and the regular rest and work(93.33%) in the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group(P<0.05). The cause of the disease(95.56%), the correct method of medication(93.33%), self-care (97.78%), clinical manifestations(93.33%)and adverse drug reactions(88.89%)in the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05). The cure rate(95.56%)and the recurrence rate(4.44%) in the experimental group significantly improved compared with that of the control group(P<0.05). The SAS(30.53±2.59)points and SDS(29.94±2.43)points in the experimental group significantly decreased compared with that of the control group after treatment, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The continuous nursing intervention applied in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis can significantly improve the therapeutic effect, improve patients' cognitive ability and compliance, and improve the psychological status, which is worth popularizing and applying.
[Key words] Continuing nursing intervention;Pulmonary tuberculosis;Cognition;Compliance
肺結核为临床常见传染病,多通过呼吸道传播,目前我国肺结核防治面临较大压力。肺结核具有病程长、易传染、易反复发作等特点,临床症状包括:发热、咳嗽、咳痰、胸闷、乏力等。因压力增加、社会环境因素和不良生活习惯,导致我国肺结核发病率呈现增加趋势,同时呈现出低龄化趋势[1-3]。肺结核治疗周期长,需要多种药物联合治疗,不良反应较多,若患者用药依从性差,可直接影响治疗效果[4]。患者出院后的心理、生理、家庭和社会等因素也可能影响患者康复。患者出院后受多种因素影响,未遵循治疗原则,不能规律用药,部分患者甚至擅自停药,导致治疗效果不佳甚至病情恶化。因此,除药物治疗外,积极的护理措施在肺结核治疗和恢复中,发挥重要作用。延续性护理是住院护理的延续,患者在住所治疗后恢复期中得到持续护理,促进患者康复[5-6]。延续性护理可提高患者的认知程度,对肺结核的预后具有重大意义。本文通过对我院收治的90例肺结核患者进行研究分析,讨论延续性护理干预在肺结核治疗中的意义,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(张岚)