[摘要] 通过分析我院早期医联体模式的雏形、目前医联体的组织架构及紧密型医联体的“三三三一”管理模式,以及已经获得的初步成效,为推进其他地区医联体建设及组织管理提供参考。[关键词] 医联体;紧密型医联体;管理模式;医院管理
[中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)27-0153-03
[Abstract] The rudiment and structure was analyzed in this paper. Through the “331” management model, We have achieved preliminary. This management model may provide a reference to promote the construction and organizational management of medical association in other regions.
[Key words] Medical union; Close medical alliance; Management model; Hospital management
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