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[16] Meretoja A,Strbian D,Mustanoja S,et al. Reducing in-hospital delay to 20 minutes in stroke thrombolysis[J]. Neurology,2012,79(4):306-313.
[17] Ford AL,Williams JA,Spencer M,et al. Reducing door-to-needle times using Toyota’s lean manufacturing principles and value stream analysis[J]. Stroke,2012,(12):3395-3398.
[18] Kim JT,Fonarow GC,Smith EE,et al. Treatment with tissue plasminogen activator in the golden hour and the shape of the 4.5-hour time-benefit curve in the National United States get with the guidelines-stroke population[J].Circulation,2017,135(2):128-139.
[19] Fonarow GC,Smith EE,Saver JL,et al. Timeliness of tissue-type plasminogen activator therapy in acute ischemic stroke:Patient characteristics,hospital factors,and outcomes associated with door-to-needle times within 60 minutes[J]. Circulation,2011,123(7):750-758.
[20] 覃珊,張仲,王学义,等. 基于PDCA循环的质量改进方案缩短急性缺血性卒中患者就诊到溶栓时间[J]. 国际脑血管病杂志,2017,(4):331-337.
[21] Kamal N,Sheng S,Xian Y,et al. Delays in door-to-needle times and their impact on treatment time and outcomes in get with the Guidelines-Stroke[J]. Stroke,2017, 48(4):946-954.
[22] 许盈盈,叶励超,蔡乾坤. 缩短院内延迟对静脉溶栓治疗急性脑梗死患者MRS、NIHSS评分的影响分析[J]. 中外医学研究,2017,(36):34-35., 百拇医药(韦潋滟 徐冬娟 张为强 李鸿飞 张晓艳)