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http://www.100md.com 2019年6月25日 《中国现代医生》 2019年第18期
     [摘要] 随着我国医疗及教育体制的不断革新,许多医学院校及其附属医院逐渐意识到科学研究对其自身发展的重要性。SCI(science citation index,科学引文索引)论文已经成为衡量研究生科研能力的重要指标之一,SCI论文的撰写和发表成为每位研究生在求学阶段必须掌握的技能。我校为了提高研究生阅读和撰写SCI论文的能力,实施了SCI论文研读汇报教学模式。该教学模式主要是在导师的指引下,鼓励学生积极独立地探索学科前沿问题,培养研究生的科研能力,为撰写及发表SCI论文打下坚实基础。同时该教学模式促进研究生从“被动接受式学习”转向为“主动研究性学习”,对培养研究生形成正确的科研思路、掌握科研技能尤为重要。本文主要对我校SCI论文研读报告教学模式的具体实施措施进行详细的探讨。

    [关键词] SCI论文研读汇报;医学研究生;研究生培养;教学模式实践

    [中图分类号] G644 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2019)18-0123-05

    [Abstract] With the continuous innovation of China's medical and educational systems, many medical colleges and their affiliated hospitals gradually realize the importance of scientific research for their own development. The SCI (science citation index) papers have become one of the important indicators to measure the research ability of graduate students. The writing and publication of SCI papers has become a must-have skill for every graduate student in the schooling phase. In order to improve the ability of graduate students to read and write SCI papers, our school implemented the SCI paper research report teaching mode. The teaching mode is mainly guided by the tutors to encourage students to actively and independently explore the frontier issues of the discipline, cultivate the research ability of graduate students, and lay a solid foundation for writing and publishing SCI papers. At the same time, the teaching model promotes the change of graduate students from “passive acceptance learning” to “active research learning”. It is especially important to train graduate students to form correct scientific research ideas and master scientific research skills. This paper mainly discusses the specific implementation measures of the teaching mode of SCI paper research report in our school.

    [Key words] SCI paper research report; Medical postgraduate; Postgraduate teaching; Practice of teaching mode


    临床医学专业学位研究生培养目标是培养具有较强的临床实践能力和具备一定科研能力的医学高层次人才,其中对科研能力有明确的要求,研究生阶段必须掌握临床科学研究的基本方法,并有一定的临床研究能力和教学能力。从研究生培养环节来看,衡量研究生科研能力的核心即是研究生学位论文[2,3]。但是目前大多数地区实施的是将专业学位研究生和住院医师规范化培训相结合的培养模式,即“双轨合一”模式,在这种培养模式下,专业学位研究生在临床要经历至少33个月的科室轮转,虽然临床实践能力得到提高,但是科研时间却大幅度减少,科研能力逐步弱化,将直接影响了研究生学位论文质量。另一方面,研究生导师基本上都是临床医师,由于教学、临床等工作任務繁重,导师对研究生科研能力培养的重视程度不够、投入精力不足,进而影响研究生的科研能力培养质量[4,5]。在此形势下,我科室开展了以SCI论文为导向的研究生综合能力培养模式,该教学模式旨在培养研究生的综合能力,以撰写和发表SCI论文为导向,利用SCI论文的前沿性、创新性,培养研究生的科研能力、创新实践能力,为后续进入临床工作打下坚实基础。以下是我科室开展SCI论文研读汇报教学模式的具体实施步骤。, 百拇医药(李素华 王顺 桑晓红)
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