[摘要] 目的 探讨中医针灸治疗顽固性呃逆的临床疗效。 方法 收集2017年4月~2018年4月我院78例顽固性呃逆病例,随机分为治疗组与对照组,各39例,对照组采取常规方法治疗,治疗组则采用中医针灸治疗,分析比较两组患者24 h的临床疗效及1周复发率。 结果 治疗组总有效率92.3%,对照组总有效率74.3%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗组复发率10.2%,对照组复发率23.1%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 中医针灸治疗顽固性呃逆能明显改善临床症状及降低复发率,可有效改善患者的心理状态,可在临床广泛推广应用。
[关键词] 中医;针灸治疗;顽固性呃逆;临床效果
[中图分类号] R246.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)08-0085-03
Clinical effect of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture in the treatment of patients with intractable hiccup
XU Minrong MENG Jianbiao HU Mahong
ICU, Zhejiang Provincial Tongde Hospital, Hangzhou 310012, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture in the treatment of intractable hiccups. Methods 78 cases of intractable hiccups in our hospital from April 2017 to April 2018 were collected and randomly divided into treatment group and control group, with 39 cases in each group. The control group was given conventional methods for treatment. The treatment group was given traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. The 24-hour clinical efficacy and 1-week recurrence rate in the two groups of patients were analyzed and compared. Results The total effective rate in the treatment group was 92.3%, and the total effective rate in the control group was 74.3%. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The recurrence rate in the treatment group was 10.2%, and the recurrence rate in the control group was 23.1%. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Traditional Chinese medicineacupuncture in the treatment of intractable hiccups can significantly improve clinical symptoms and reduce recurrence rate, which can effectively improve the clinical symptoms and psychological state of patients, and can be widely promoted and applied in clinical practice.
[Key words] Traditional Chinese medicine; Acupuncture therapy; Intractable hiccups; Clinical effect
呃逆是臨床上十分常见的病症,是神经中枢和迷走神经在某种刺激的作用下引发膈肌的一系列病症反应,会对患者产生较大甚至是十分不利的影响,除了会产生各种临床症状以外,还可能会影响患者心理状态,更有甚者还会引起呼吸不畅,甚至诱发死亡[1]。祖国医学认为[2],呃逆的发生是由于日常饮食没有节制,或者抑郁、愤怒等心理因素引起的情志不遂,气机不畅;亦或是长期生病或严重疾病引起中气耗伤,胃气不将,上逆动膈而成。同时也与肺气失宣、肾阳虚衰、三焦气机不利有关。因此,呃逆的发生与胃、肝、脾、肺、肾等脏腑关系最为密切。治疗呃逆的关键就是降逆和胃、调和气机[3]。我们根据辨证施治的原则,虚则补之,实则泻之,寒则温之,热则疾之[4]。临床上见到的病例以偶发者居多,这种呃逆持续时间不是很长,且多能自愈,通常不需要干预或治疗。但有的患者则较频发,持续时间也较长,有数天,甚至数月,需要治疗以缓解临床症状,减轻病人的痛苦,称之为顽固性呃逆。对于呃逆时间超过3 d及以上,而且呃逆频率较高的患者,建议必须立即到医院进行诊治[5]。, 百拇医药(徐敏荣 孟建标 胡马洪)
[关键词] 中医;针灸治疗;顽固性呃逆;临床效果
[中图分类号] R246.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)08-0085-03
Clinical effect of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture in the treatment of patients with intractable hiccup
XU Minrong MENG Jianbiao HU Mahong
ICU, Zhejiang Provincial Tongde Hospital, Hangzhou 310012, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture in the treatment of intractable hiccups. Methods 78 cases of intractable hiccups in our hospital from April 2017 to April 2018 were collected and randomly divided into treatment group and control group, with 39 cases in each group. The control group was given conventional methods for treatment. The treatment group was given traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. The 24-hour clinical efficacy and 1-week recurrence rate in the two groups of patients were analyzed and compared. Results The total effective rate in the treatment group was 92.3%, and the total effective rate in the control group was 74.3%. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The recurrence rate in the treatment group was 10.2%, and the recurrence rate in the control group was 23.1%. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Traditional Chinese medicineacupuncture in the treatment of intractable hiccups can significantly improve clinical symptoms and reduce recurrence rate, which can effectively improve the clinical symptoms and psychological state of patients, and can be widely promoted and applied in clinical practice.
[Key words] Traditional Chinese medicine; Acupuncture therapy; Intractable hiccups; Clinical effect
呃逆是臨床上十分常见的病症,是神经中枢和迷走神经在某种刺激的作用下引发膈肌的一系列病症反应,会对患者产生较大甚至是十分不利的影响,除了会产生各种临床症状以外,还可能会影响患者心理状态,更有甚者还会引起呼吸不畅,甚至诱发死亡[1]。祖国医学认为[2],呃逆的发生是由于日常饮食没有节制,或者抑郁、愤怒等心理因素引起的情志不遂,气机不畅;亦或是长期生病或严重疾病引起中气耗伤,胃气不将,上逆动膈而成。同时也与肺气失宣、肾阳虚衰、三焦气机不利有关。因此,呃逆的发生与胃、肝、脾、肺、肾等脏腑关系最为密切。治疗呃逆的关键就是降逆和胃、调和气机[3]。我们根据辨证施治的原则,虚则补之,实则泻之,寒则温之,热则疾之[4]。临床上见到的病例以偶发者居多,这种呃逆持续时间不是很长,且多能自愈,通常不需要干预或治疗。但有的患者则较频发,持续时间也较长,有数天,甚至数月,需要治疗以缓解临床症状,减轻病人的痛苦,称之为顽固性呃逆。对于呃逆时间超过3 d及以上,而且呃逆频率较高的患者,建议必须立即到医院进行诊治[5]。, 百拇医药(徐敏荣 孟建标 胡马洪)
参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 症状 > D > 打嗝