[摘要] 目的 探讨面部抗衰老治疗中自体脂肪移植技术的应用疗效与安全性。 方法 收集本院2019年2~7月收治的因面部容积缺失、老化患者50例,均采取自体脂肪颗粒移植手术治疗,对患者持续进行随访调查,评价该技术治疗效果与安全性情况。 结果 纳入患者单次手术面部脂肪的填充量在24.0~58.0 mL,50例患者术后疗效评价显示,显著改善37例、部分改善12例、无改善1例,治疗总改善率为98.0%。患者术后早期均存在有面部肿胀现象,且均于术后1周内消退;4例患者术后填充区出现淤青;随访末期显示,患者均未发生注射针孔瘢痕、注射区域皮肤凹凸不平、局部钙化或结节症状。 结论 自体脂肪移植术在面部抗衰老治疗应用的疗效明确且安全性高,该术式具有临床推广与应用价值。[关键词] 自体脂肪移植;面部抗衰老;临床疗效;安全性
[中图分类号] R622.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)14-0031-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of autologous fat transplantation in the treatment of facial anti-aging. Methods 50 patients with facial volume loss and aging treated in our hospital from February to July 2019 were collected. All patients were treated with autologous fat particle transplantation. The patients were continuously followed up. The treatment effect and safety of this technology were evaluated. Results The filling amount of facial fat in a single operation was 24.0-58.0 mL. The postoperative curative effect evaluation of 50 patients showed significant improvement in 37 cases ......
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