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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月22日 中国现代医生 2020年第32期
     刘文兴 汪自欣 宋兴荣 潘永英

    [摘要] 师生互评对教学质量起到推动和改进的积极作用。传统师生互评模式具有明显不足,因此,如何规避传统师生互评的弊端尤为重要。利用软件进行师生互评能规避传统模式下的不足,微信师生互评可及时发现带教中的问题。相较于传统模式的师生互评,基于微信平台每日师生互评模式,有利于实现教学问题的即时反馈,从而提升规培教学质量。利用微信师生互评模式,提高我院麻醉科住院医师规范化培训教学质量,从而弥补现行教学中存在的不足。通过微信互评在麻醉科住院医师规范化培训教学中的应用来完善互评机制,为全院开展微信互评模式奠定基础。

    [关键词] 微信平台;师生互评;规培;教学质量;实践研究

    [中图分类号] R192? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)32-0144-04

    [Abstract] Teacher-student mutual evaluation plays a positive role in promoting and improving the teaching quality. Routine teacher-student mutual evaluation mode has obvious shortcomings, so it is particularly important to avoid the disadvantages of routine teacher-student mutual evaluation. Software for teacher-student mutual evaluation is used to avoid the shortcomings of the routine mode, and through WeChat teacher-student mutual evaluation can find out the problems in teaching in time. Compared with the routine mode of mutual evaluation between teachers and students, the daily mode of mutual evaluation between teachers and students based on WeChat platform is beneficial to realize real-time feedback of teaching problems ......

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