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http://www.100md.com 2021年3月15日 中国现代医生 2021年第1期
     才莹 崔轮盟 张虹

    [摘要] 良好的镇痛及胃肠功能的早期恢复是重症监护病房(ICU)腹部术后患者康复的关键。随着当代医学的进步和中西医结合研究的不断深入,认识和治疗腹部术后疼痛的手段均有所提高。近年来,由于临床现有的镇痛方式带来的不良反应和局限性,中医镇痛因其操作便捷、副作用小,已迅速发展为世界主流医学的一部分,但因其对急危重患者疗效缓慢,且镇痛效果不能满足大、中型手术后的镇痛需求,故限制其在腹部术后危重症患者中的应用。通过中西医结合的多模式镇痛,二者相互配合,可达到有效的镇痛效果,并且能减少胃肠道相关不良反应的发生,调节机体应激状态,实现患者的快速康复。现就ICU腹部术后患者多模式镇痛的研究进展展开论述。

    [关键词] 腹部手术;重症监护病房患者;多模式镇痛;中西医结合

    [Abstract] Good analgesia and early recovery of gastrointestinal function is the key to the rehabilitation of patients after abdominal surgery in the intensive care unit (ICU). With the progress of modern medicine and the deepening of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine research, the methods of understanding and treating abdominal postoperative pain have been improved. In recent years, due to the limitation of adverse reactions (ADRs) caused by the existing clinical analgesic methods, traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) analgesia has rapidly developed into a part of the mainstream medicine in the world due to its convenient operation and small side effects. However, due to its slow efficacy on acute and critical patients and the fact that the analgesic efficacy cannot meet the analgesic needs of large and medium-sized surgery ......

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