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http://www.100md.com 2021年3月24日 中国现代医生 2021年第2期

    [摘要] 學术不端成为阻碍科技创新进步的因素之一,网络曝光的论文造假等现象层出不穷,日益影响我国科技发展和科研人员的积极性。本文探讨出现学术不端的种种原因,包括①科研绩效评估体系偏颇;②科研过程监管缺失;③科研分配比例失衡;④缺乏强有力的监管、惩戒机制等体制原因,还包括职称评审压力、科研竞争环境压力、对于荣誉的热衷、绩效考核压力、不负责任,放任学生或助手发表有不端行为的成果、行政事务或社会活动过多,无暇对研究成果进行审核、毕业压力、项目申报或结题需要等个人方面的原因。针对出现这些行为的原因,探讨建设医疗机构科研诚信档案的有效方式,包括加强宣传、建立专家委员会、运用信息化手段建立科研诚信档案、对疑似学术不端行为进行审查和处理、档案资料的收集、整理和管理、科研诚信档案的应用。科研诚信处理意见与医院奖惩条例挂钩,在医院范围内给予通报,并在职称晋升、职务聘任、表彰奖励作时为排除因素,利用探索档案加强对不良行为的威慑,树立风清气正的良好学术氛围。

    [关键词] 医疗机构;学术不端;科研诚信;档案管理

    [Abstract] Academic misconduct has become one of the obstacles to the progress of scientific and technological innovation. Internet-exposed fraud and other phenomena emerge in endlessly, which has increasingly impacted the development of science and technology in China and the enthusiasm of scientific researchers. Various causes of academic misconduct were investigated in this paper including ① the structure of evaluation system of scientific research performance is not reasonable; ② the supervision of scientific research process is not adequate; ③ the distribution system of the scientific research is not reasonable; ④ there is a lack of strong supervision and punishment mechanism from institutional aspects; in addition ......

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