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http://www.100md.com 2021年4月6日 中国现代医生 2021年第4期
     孙哲 周修同 曹星玉

    [摘要] 本文分析某医院伦理委员会首次以远程会议的形式进行伦理审查的实践过程与体会。从会议的组织与实施展开,描述其与会议审查的不同之处,从会后的调查问卷结果分析本次远程伦理审查会议顺利实施的各方面因素,探讨远程伦理审查会议的意义及存在的问题。本次伦理审查会议采用视频会议模式进行,是特殊时期的一种尝试,会议实施过程确保遵从现有的法律法规,符合医院伦理委员会现行的规章制度和流程,满足医院伦理审查会议的要求。

    [关键词] 突发公共事件;医学伦理审查;远程会议;实践体会

    [中图分类号] R197.3 ? ? ? ? ?[文献标识码] C ? ? ? ? ?[文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)04-0154-04

    Practice and experience of remote ethical review meeting in our hospital

    SUN Zhe1, 2 ? ZHOU Xiutong3 ? CAO Xingyu3

    1.Beijing Lu Daopei Institute of Hematology, Beijing ? 100176, China; 2.GCP Office, Beijing Lu Daopei Hospital, Beijing ? 100176, China; 3.Ethics Committee, Beijing Lu Daopei Hospital, Beijing ? 100176, China

    [Abstract] This article analyzes the practice process and experience of a hospital ethics committee conducting ethical review in the form of a remote meeting for the first time. The differences of the meeting review were elaborated based on the organization and implementation of the meeting. From the results of the questionnaire after the meeting ......

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