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http://www.100md.com 2021年4月30日 中国现代医生 2021年第8期
     何望凯 谢文君 胡华

    [摘要] Tolosa-Hunt综合征是在颈内动脉海绵窦段及其附近硬脑膜的非特异性炎症或肉芽肿相关性疾病。主要表现为眼球后及眶周顽固性疼痛,疼痛数日后出现眼肌外肌麻痹,动眼神经、滑车神经、展神经均可受累。由于活检限制及MRI敏感性及特异性问题,THS的诊断较为困难。本文通过个案报道分享痛性眼肌麻痹的诊疗思路,采用病史及体格检查尽可能精确定位、辅助检查手段验证及排除相关疾病的方法,尽可能的节约医疗费用及提高阳性病灶的确诊率,减少误诊及漏诊。治疗上强调中西医结合治疗,中医辩证论治,针药并用,能起到扶正驱邪、减轻激素副作用、改善患者症状、缩短病程、减少复发及调理全身等作用。

    [关键词] Tolosa-Hunt综合征(THS);痛性眼肌麻痹;头痛;诊断

    [中图分类号] R752.12? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] C? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)08-0153-03

    A case report of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome

    HE Wangkai1? ?XIE Wenjun1? HU Hua2

    1.Hu′nan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha? ?410208, China; 2.Department I of Encephalopathy, the First Hospital of Hu′nan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha? ?410007, China

    [Abstract] Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a disease related to nonspecific inflammation or granuloma in the cavernous sinus segment of internal carotid artery and its nearby endocranium. The main manifestations are intractable pain behind eyeball and around orbit. After a few days of pain ......

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