沈灵姿 郭海谢 叶敏华![](/images/paper/1673-9701/202117/21-1-l.jpg)
[關键词] 非小细胞肺癌;肺癌根治术;胸腔镜;呼吸训练器;肺功能;肺部并发症
[中图分类号] R734.2? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)17-0081-04
Application of breathing exerciser after thoracoscopic radical resection of non-small cell lung cancer
SHEN Lingzi? ?GUO Haixie? ?YE Minhua
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University, Linhai? ?317000, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the application of breathing exerciser after thoracoscopic radical resection of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods From January 2018 to December 2019, a total of 92 patients who were treated by thoracoscopic radical surgery of NSCLC in the department of thoracic surgery in our hospital were selected and randomly divided into an intervention group and a control group ......
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