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http://www.100md.com 2021年12月17日 中国现代医生 2021年第28期
     钱程丽 陈洪宇

    [摘要] 文章介绍了陈洪宇教授从风湿论治肾风的学术观点,总结陈洪宇教授应用祛风胜湿方治疗肾风患者的经验,并分析其典型案例。陈洪宇教授认为肾风的主要病位在肾,主要病因是风湿内扰。陈洪宇教授主张祛风除湿为其根本大法,临床疗效显著。

    [关键词] 慢性肾病;肾风;风湿内扰;祛风胜湿;医案;陈洪宇

    [中图分类号] R249.2? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)28-0142-04

    Professor Chen Hongyus experience in treating Shenfeng from the perspective of rheumatism

    QIAN Chengli1, 2? ?CHEN Hongyu1, 3

    1.Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou? ?310053, China; 2.Department of Nephrology, Jingjiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangsu Province, Jingjiang? ?214500, China; 3.Department of Nephrology, Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou? ?310000, China

    [Abstract] This paper introduces Professor Chen Hongyus academic viewpoints on the treatment of Shenfeng (Kidney-Wind syndrome) from the perspective of rheumatism, and summarizes Professor Chen Hongyus experience in treating Shenfeng patients with Qufeng Shengshi perscription, and the typical cases are analyzed in the paper. Professor Chen Hongyu believes that the main disease location of Shenfeng lies in the kidney ......

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