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http://www.100md.com 2021年12月17日 中国现代医生 2021年第28期
     马林 王明炯 王润鹏 戴瑜娉 舒兰

    [摘要] 笔者从《伤寒论》中对比两阳合病的方证入手,认为芍药四物解肌汤乃是黄芩汤基于儿科生理特点的化裁,而升麻葛根汤所治为疮疹,是针对伤寒发热疮疹的特殊病症及患者群演变而来,其理论源于太阳与阳明合病,但又与典型的太阳与阳明合病有所差异,其病机为“五脏毒秽”结于阳明,并受外感寒邪引动,这与钱乙在《小儿药证直诀》中疮疹的证治论述完全一致;芍药四物解肌汤去黄芩加炙甘草化裁升麻葛根汤的演变规律是必要的,符合小儿疮疹的病理特点。以经典的角度解释升麻葛根汤的方证较历史上对升麻葛根汤的认识更为准确。

    [关键词] 黄芩汤;葛根汤;芍药四物解肌汤;升麻葛根汤;张仲景;孙思邈;钱乙;小儿药证直诀

    [中图分类号] R256.3? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)28-0188-05

    Probing into the medication logic of Shengma Gegen Decoction from the evolution rule of Huangqin Decoction

    MA Lin1? ?WANG? Mingjiong2? ?WANG Runpeng1? ?DAI Yuping1? ?SHU Lan3

    1.Graduate School, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha? ?410208, China; 2.School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha Medical University, Changsha? ?410219, China; 3.Department of Pediatrics, the First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha? ?410000, China

    [Abstract] Starting from comparing the prescriptions and syndromes of the two-yang syndrome in “Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold (Shanghan Lun)”, this paper indicated that Shaoyao Siwu Jieji Decoction is a modification of Huangqin decoction based on the physiological characteristics of pediatrics diseases.The Shengma Gegen Decoction is used to treat rash ......

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