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http://www.100md.com 2021年1月11日 中国现代医生 2021年第29期
     刘艳 王少华 周国岭 周圆月 丁凯景 廖文静 薛闯 朱慧丽

    [关键词] 儿童青少年;抑郁障碍;拒绝上学行为;相关性

    [中图分类号] R749.94? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)29-0008-05

    Related factors for children and adolescents with depression disorder combined with refusal to go to school

    LIU Yan? ?WANG Shaohua? ?ZHOU Guoling? ?ZHOU Yuanyue? ?DING Kaijing? ?LIAO Wenjing? ?XUE Chuang? ?ZHU Huili

    Department of Child and Adolescent Psychology, Mental Health Center Affiliated to Medical College of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Seventh People's Hospital, Hangzhou? ?310007,China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the related factors for children and adolescents with depression disorder combined with refusal to go to school. Methods A total of 84 children and adolescents diagnosed with depression disorder in our hospital from March to December 2019 were selected. The self-made general condition scale, self-rating depression scale (SDS), and self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and Family Cohesion and Adaptability Scale (FACESⅡ) were used to assess the demographic characteristics ......

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