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http://www.100md.com 2021年1月11日 中国现代医生 2021年第29期

    [關键词] 重症肺炎;吸痰;灌洗;纤维支气管镜;肺功能

    [中图分类号] R563.1? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)29-0056-04

    Clinical evaluation on sputum aspiration and bronchoalveolar lavage with bedside fibrobronchoscopy in the treatment of severe pneumonia

    SHI Daihui

    Ward Area Ⅱ of Intensive Care Unit, the Second People’s Hospital of Qinzhou City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Qinzhou? ?535000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To analyze the efficacy of sputum aspiration and bronchoalveolar lavage with bedside fibrobronchoscopy in the treatment of severe pneumonia. Methods A total of 150 patients with severe pneumonia admitted to our hospital from January to December 2020 were selected as the study subjects. 75 of them were included in the control group (with conventional treatment) and the remaining 75 were included in the observation group (with conventional treatment + sputum aspiration and bronchoalveolar lavage with bedside fibrobronchoscopy). The overall effective rate ......

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