张晶莹 王睿 孙戴 陈珺[關键词] 八段锦;辨证习功;平秘脏腑推拿;轮班睡眠障碍;医护人员
[中图分类号] R471;R212? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)29-0171-05
Clinical observation of Baduanjin exercises on improving the fatigue state of female nurses with shift work sleep disorder
ZHANG Jingying? ?WANG Rui? ?SUN Dai? ?CHEN Jun
Department of Tuina, Hangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Hangzhou? ?310007, China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of Baduanjin exercises in improving the fatigue status of female nurses with shift work sleep disorder. Methods A total of 55 patients recruited from many hospitals in our city from January 2015 to December 2019 were selected and randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group. The control group was given sleep health education and Tuina for Pingmi Viscera. The treatment group was guided for low-intensity Baduanjin "syndrome differentiation exercises" self-gong exercises before going to bed, based on the control group's treatment. Before and after treatment, the Flinders fatigue scale was used to assess the daytime fatigue status of the two groups. The VAS fatigue score was used to dynamically observe the fatigue of the patients during the treatment cycle. The Pittsburgh sleep scale was used to observe the sleep quality. The sleep quality and daytime fatigue VAS score were used for follow-up after the treatment. Results After the treatment ......
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