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http://www.100md.com 2021年1月5日 中国现代医生 2021年第30期
     汪志中 麦彩园 王斌 李新旭

    [摘要] 桡骨远端骨折是常見的骨折之一,多发于中老年和青少年。多种方法可以用来治疗桡骨远端骨折,有观点坚持钢板内固定内固定比夹板、石膏外固定能更早地活动及功能锻炼;也有观点认为克氏针、外固定支架固定能将开放手术的风险降低;对于老年人,骨质疏松多见,建议对此人群行闭合手法复位石膏、夹板或支具外固定。常用的固定及材料为石膏夹板或支具外固定、经皮穿刺闭合克氏针固定、外固定支架固定、内固定、植入人工腕关节假体。而内固定种类包括接骨板、骨折特异性固定、背侧牵引接骨板、髓内钉等。切开复位内固定两种传统的手术入路分为掌、背侧入路。近年来骨替代物、腕关节镜辅助、3D打印应用于桡骨远端骨折。桡骨远端骨折治疗方法多样,每种治疗方法都有其适用特点及优缺点,而且治疗需据骨折类型、年龄、活动水平进行个体化定制,本文对其进行综述。

    [关键词] 桡骨远端骨折;内固定;外固定;进展

    [中图分类号] R687.3? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)30-0180-04

    [Abstract] Distal radius fractures are one of the common fractures and mostly occur in the middle-aged, the elderly and adolescents. A variety of methods can be used to treat distal radius fractures. There are opinions emphasizing that steel plate internal fixation can achieve earlier movement and functional exercise than splints and plaster external fixation. There are also opinions that Kirschner wires and external fixator can reduce the risk of open surgery to the minimum. For the elderly, osteoporosis is more common, and it is recommended that this population should undergo closed reduction and external fixation with plaster ......

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