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http://www.100md.com 2021年2月3日 中国现代医生 2021年第35期
     陈锶琦 周参新

    [摘要] 尿路感染(UTI)是一种多由单一细菌侵入尿路上皮所致的临床常见疾病,可伴有尿频尿急,也可表现为无症状性菌尿和(或)脓尿等。成年男女发病比率约为1:9。有报道称至少20%女性曾患UTI,尤其在性生活活跃期及绝经后多见。近年来由于导管技术日渐成熟,患病人群分布逐渐呈现年轻化态势。目前诊断尿路感染金标准仍然是清洁中段尿培养,但因培养周期问题往往导致结果滞后于诊疗。所以,探索出一系列兼具诊断敏感性和特异性的生物标志物格外重要。本文就“New biomarker”“UTI”为关键词搜索Pubmed及中国知网近10年相关文献,评价了以下几种有前景的新型标志物。

    [关键词] 尿路感染;生物标志物;尿液;血液;磁共振成像

    [中图分类号] R691.3? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)35-0187-06

    Clinical applications and prospects in new markers of urinary tract infection

    CHEN Siqi1,2? ?ZHOU Canxin1,2

    1.Ningbo University School of Medicine,Ningbo? 315211,China;2.Nephrology Department, the Affiliated People′s Hospital of Ningbo University,Ningbo? ?315040,China

    [Abstract] Urinary tract infection(UTI) is a common clinical disease caused by the invasion of a single bacterium into the epithelium of the urinary tract,accompanied by urinary frequency and urgency,or asymptomatic bacteriuria and/or pyuria. The incidence ratio of adult male to female is approximately 1:9. It has been reported that at least 20% of women have had UTIs,especially during the sexually active period and after menopause. In recent years ......

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