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http://www.100md.com 2022年2月15日 中国现代医生 2022年第1期
     马海芬 张幸国

    [摘要] 品管圈理念体现了基层员工的核心价值观,以人为本、精诚团结、持续改进的文化理念,是医院文化的集中反映。质量文化是医院文化建设的重要组成部分。基于品管圈理念,从2018年医院在质量文化建设中形成“大质量”的管理闭环。全院各科室组建质量管理小组,推行“质管分”考核,自主研发质管分管理的信息平台,调动了员工参与质量管理的积极性。在质量改进的全过程中,每个科室展开主题的讨论与对策的拟定,运用质量工具實施管理,改善标准化流程。由此提高了员工的质量管理能力,推进质量文化不断深入,为医院的持续发展提供最核心的控力。

    [关键词] 品管圈;理念;文化建设;质量文化

    [中图分类号] R197.3? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] C? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)01-0173-04

    Hospital quality culture construction based on the concept of quality control circle

    MA Haifen1? ?ZHANG Xingguo2

    1.Depatment of Quality Control, Beilun People′s Hospital of Ningbo City, Ningbo? ?315800, China; 2.Principal′s Office, Beilun People′s Hospital of Ningbo City, Ningbo? ?315800, China

    [Abstract] The concept of quality control circle embodies the core values of grassroots employees.The cultural concept of people-oriented,solidarity and continuous improvement is a concentrated reflection of the hospital culture.Quality culture is an important part of hospital culture construction. Based on the concept of quality control circle, the hospital has formed a "big quality" management closed loop in the construction of quality culture since 2018. All departments of the hospital set up a quality management team ......

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