李津 康美艳 罗曼华![](/images/paper/1673-9701/202204/40-1-l.jpg)
[摘要] 目的 分析赣州市2017—2019年无偿献血者血液不合格原因,为制定有效预防措施提供参考依据。 方法 对赣州市2017—2019年无偿献血者血液标本进行检测、分析,采集样本严格依照实验室操作程序进行,资料来源为赣州市中心血站献血者采集全血后的检测结果。统计2017—2019年各类血液产品报废情况,分析并统计各类血液产品报废原因。 结果 2017—2019年血液产品总报废率为2.14%,以血浆报废为主(1.32%),其次为红细胞类(0.82%),其他成分报废率较低。2017—2019年血液报废率呈减少趋势。 乳糜血是非检测不合格血液报废的主要原因,乳糜血>保养液过多>采血不足量>色泽异常>渗漏。 结论? 赣州市无偿献血者血液不合格率与乳糜血、HBsAg等多种因素有关,掌握导致血液不合格的根本原因,加强献血的宣传教育和血站管理工作,全程实施质量管理,采取积极针对性预防措施,可有效避免血液的浪费。
[关键词] 无偿献血;血液检测;血液报废;乳糜血;色泽异常
[中图分类号] R446? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)04-0155-03
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the reasons for the unqualified blood of free blood donors in Ganzhou from 2017 to 2019, and provide a reference for the formulation of effective preventive measures. Methods The blood samples of free blood donors in Ganzhou City from 2017 to 2019 were tested and analyzed. The samples were collected in strict accordance with laboratory procedures. The source of the data was the test results of whole blood collected from blood donors in the Ganzhou City Center Blood Station. The statistics were performed on the scrap situation of various blood products from 2017 to 2019. The reasons for the scrapping of various blood products were analyzed and counted. Results The total scrap rate of blood products from 2017 to 2019 was 2.14% ......
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