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http://www.100md.com 2022年3月27日 中国现代医生 2022年第4期
     徐旭蔚 郑晓玲 陈曦 刘婷

    [摘要] 高危药品在临床使用过程中具有较高风险,其管理也越来越严格,而利用信息化技术进行审方的需求也越来越高。我院根据高危药品说明书及相关制度的要求,通过审方药师制订规则、临床药师审核规则两轮制确认规则合理性后启用该知识库,结合事前预警、事中干预和事后分析的各个环节,定期修改和完善知识库。制订并启用了165种我院在用的高危药品的相关规则,包括适应证、禁忌证、单次剂量、给药频次、给药途径、配伍、相互作用及分类提醒等。该知识库的启用将对医师开具处方或医嘱时进行预警,对审方药师及点评药师进行提醒。因此,构建合理用药系统高危药品的知识库,将为医嘱前置审核提供技术支持,促进医院合理使用高危药品。

    [关键词] 合理用药;高危药品;药品知识库;处方前置审核

    [中图分类号] R95? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] C? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)04-0165-04

    [Abstract] Due to the high risks of high-risk drugs in the process of clinical use, the management of high-risk drugs is becoming stricter, and the demand for prescription review using information technology is also increasing. According to the requirements of high-risk drugs instructions and related systems, our hospital has enabled the knowledge base after confirming the rationality of the rules through a two-round system (in which the prescription-reviewing pharmacists formulate the rules and the clinical pharmacists review the rules) ......

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