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http://www.100md.com 2022年3月27日 中国现代医生 2022年第5期
     朱淼淼 赵宏利 褚蕴

    [摘要] 保产无忧散出自《傅青主女科》,为养血活血、补气理气、益肾安胎之剂。其基本理法为调摄气血、疏理气机,临床报道多用于妊娠中晚期,以安胎保产、纠正胎位、催生顺产等。赵宏利教授认为妊娠早期先兆流产孕产妇常存在子宫动脉血流异常、胎盘血流灌注欠佳的病理状态,其基本病机为气血失和、阻滞不行,与保产无忧散相契合,故将此方拓展应用于妊娠早期,改善孕妇子宫动脉血供,纠正血栓前状态,并结合早孕期妇女生理特点,随症化裁,疗效满意。本文试追溯保产无忧散,探讨赵宏利教授应用保产无忧散改善孕早期孕产妇子宫动脉血供的临床经验,并分享验案一则,以飨同道。

    [关键词] 保产无忧散;子宫动脉血流;血栓前状态;孕早期;临床经验

    [中图分类号] R289? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)05-0144-04

    [Abstract] Baochan Wuyou San originates from Fu Qing Zhu Nv Ke, which is an agent for nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation, invigorating and regulating qi, invigorating kidney and preventing miscarriage. The basic principles are regulating ingestion of qi and blood and regulating qi. Most clinical reports used Baochan Wuyou San in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, to prevent miscarriage, correct fetal position, and promote normal delivery. Professor Zhao Hongli (hereinafter referred to as prof. Zhao) believes that pregnant women with threatened abortion in early pregnancy often have pathological conditions such as abnormal uterine artery blood flow and poor placental blood perfusion. The basic pathogenesis is qi and blood dysfunction and block ......

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