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http://www.100md.com 2022年4月28日 中国现代医生 2022年第7期
     刘飞 刘春华

    [摘要] 介绍刘春华教授从肝脾论治代谢性高血压经验。刘教授认为多食少动、情志不畅是本病基本病因,病位与肝脾相关,本病总以脾失健运、痰浊内生为主,兼有肝郁气滞血瘀,久则化热生满,本虚而标实多见,并将本病分为肝胃郁热、痰湿壅盛、阴虚阳亢、肝郁脾虚、痰瘀互结五种证型论治。临床常予以自拟晕清降压方化裁以达益气升阳、化瘀泄浊之效。附验案一则,以资佐证。

    [关键词] 晕清降压方;代谢性高血压;脾瘅;名医经验

    [中图分类号] R249? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)07-0150-04

    Professor LIU Chunhua′s experience in treating metabolic hypertension based on liver and spleen theory

    LIU Fei1? ?LIU Chunhua2

    1.Graduate School, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha? ?410208, China; 2.Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha? ?410005, China

    [Abstract] This paper intends to introduce professor LIU Chunhua′s experience in treating metabolic hypertension based on liver and spleen theory. Professor LIU believes that the underlying cause of the disease is excessive food and less movement as well as gloomy mood, and the location of the disease is related to the liver and spleen. The disease is always characterized by the dysfunction of spleen in transportation and endogenous phlegm ......

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