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http://www.100md.com 2022年4月28日 中国现代医生 2022年第8期
     方萍 方雯

    [摘要] 医院不仅提供医疗服务,更是健康促进与健康传播的重要场所。医护人员不仅要为患者治病,更要成为健康科普和健康传播的实践者,健康理念和生活方式的倡导者,全方位服务于人民生命健康全周期。本文通过对中国科学技术大学附属第一医院开展健康促进和健康传播工作实践进行分析,总结探讨新时代下公立医院如何通过“人员全参与、就诊全过程、生命全周期、阵地全覆盖”的“四全”体系建设,将健康促进理念融入医院治理全方位,推动医院逐步“以治病为中心”向“以人民健康为中心”转型,以新时代的健康促进、健康传播助力医院高质量发展,真正担负起守护人民健康的时代重任,同时也为其他医院开展健康促进和健康传播工作提供思路借鉴。

    [关键词] 新时代;公立医院;健康促进;健康传播;“四全”体系

    [中图分类号] R197.3? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] C? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)08-0147-04

    Practice and reflection on the construction of “Four-Pronged” system for health promotion in public hospitals in the new era

    FANG Ping? FANG Wen

    The First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China (Anhui Provincial Hospital),? ?Hefei 230061, China

    [Abstract] Hospital is not only a place providing medical services, but also an important place for health promotion and health communication. Medical and nursing staff should not only treat patients, but also become practitioners of health popularization and health communication, advocates of health concepts and lifestyles, and serve the whole cycle of people’s life and health in all aspects. This paper analyzes the practice of health promotion and health communication in the largest class-A tertiary public hospital in Anhui Province ......

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