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http://www.100md.com 2022年4月28日 中国现代医生 2022年第9期
     胡翠萍 王团美

    [摘要] 全身播散性隐球菌病主要是由新型隐球菌及格特隐球菌引起的全身不连续的两个及以上部位病变的疾病,其临床表现及辅助检查均无特异性,诊断困难。南华大学附属长沙中心医院收治1例全身播散性隐球菌病患儿,男性,15岁,因“咳嗽、腹痛、间断发热半月余”以肺部病变查因、血液系统疾病,收住学生儿童结核科。通过该病例报道,分析治疗思路,旨在提高对儿童全身播散性隐球菌病的认识。

    [关键词] 全身播散性隐球菌病;隐球菌感染;儿童;氟康唑

    [中图分类号] R725? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] C? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)09-0168-03

    A case of systemic disseminated cryptococcosis in children

    HU Cuiping? ?WANG Tuanmei

    Graduate School, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha? ?410000, China

    [Abstract] Systemic disseminated cryptococcosis is a disease caused by cryptococcus neoformans and cryptococcus gatti, which has two or more discontinuous lesions in the whole body. Its clinical manifestations and auxiliary examinations are nonspecific and its diagnosis is difficult. A 15-year-old male child with systemic disseminated cryptococcosis was admitted to the Tuberculosis Department of Students and Chidren in Changsha Central Hospital Affiliated to University of South China because of "cough ......

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