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http://www.100md.com 2022年6月8日 中国现代医生 2022年第10期
     聂伟 贾彩彩 刘芳

    [摘要] 微博、微信、微视频、微小说、微公益等新媒體应用的快速普及和发展,对大学日常的生活方式和价值取向产生了极大的影响和改变,逐渐衍生成了信息时代下的微文化,呈现出快捷性、更迭性、主体性、趣味性和互动性等主要特征。微文化的不良影响作用于医学生,不利于培育医学生生命至上的哲学价值导向、医者仁心的道德价值导向、大医精诚的发展价值导向、爱岗敬业的职业价值导向、爱国为民的目标价值导向。微文化视域下如何培育医学生社会主义核心价值观,本文提出了“建”“管”护佑着力推动意识主流、“虚”“实”互补努力营造和谐局面、“主”“客”转换积极建立协同机制的对策。

    [关键词] 微文化;医学生;社会主义核心价值观;培育

    [中图分类号] I20;H31? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] B? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)10-0165-05

    [Abstract] The rapid popularization and development of new-media applications such as MicroBlog, WeChat, micro videos, micro fictions and micro public welfare have greatly influenced and changed the daily life style and value orientation of college students, and gradually derived into the micro-culture in the information age, presenting the main characteristics of rapidity, alternation, subjectivity, fun and interactivity. The negative influence of micro-culture will hinder the cultivation of the philosophical value orientation of “life first”, the moral value orientation of “benevolence”, the development value orientation of “great medical sincerity”, the professional value orientation of “dedication” ......

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