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http://www.100md.com 2022年7月18日 中国现代医生 2022年第17期
     韩雷 胡云根 方伟利 傅华君

    [摘要] 肩袖损伤是导致肩关节疼痛和功能障碍的常见原因。随着微创技术的发展,肩关节镜下肩袖修复手术可获得良好的临床疗效,但术后腱骨结合部难以形成与正常腱骨相同的组织结构,因此肩袖再次撕裂的发生率依然较高。通过不同方法来促进腱骨界面形成近似生理性界面,并且具有相同的生物学强度,一直是运动医学的研究热点。本文就近年来国内外通过生物学技术来促进肩袖损伤术后腱骨界面的愈合的研究进展进行综述。

    [关键词] 肩关节;肩袖;腱骨愈合;生物学;综述

    [中图分类号] R685? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-9701(2022)17-0221-04

    Research progress in biological therapy of postoperative tendon-bone healing after rotator cuff injury

    HAN Lei? ?HU Yungen? ?FANG Weili? ?FU Huajun

    Department of Orthopedics, Jiangnan Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiaoshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou 311201,China

    [Abstract] Rotator cuff injuries can lead to shoulder joint pain and dysfunction. With the development of minimally invasive techniques, shoulder arthroscopic rotator cuff repair can achieve good clinical results. However, the recurrence rate of rotator cuff tear is still high because of the difficulty of the damaged repair site in histologically forming the same tissue structure as a normal attachment. The tendon-bone healing?is the key factor to determine the success or failure of rotator cuff repair. How to promote the connection of tendon and bone interface and the formation of approximate physiological attachment have become the common goals of many researchers. In recent years ......

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