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http://www.100md.com 2018年9月1日 《湖南中医药大学学报》 20189
     〔摘要〕 根据脑髓的形态解剖学和生理学探讨《内经》的目睛命门说和张景岳的脑心命门说,居于脑髓中央的间脑就是张景岳所说的脑心命门,脑心即脑芯。脑芯就是《内经》的目睛命门所藏的先天之精,是命门的本质所在。足太阳是起源于目睛命门脑芯的经脉,它运行脑芯元精化生的元气通过目系出于生命之门目,然后上额循顶下项入五脏六腑之俞以推动激发五脏六腑的生理活动,并唯肾而络最后植入足少阴肾经的至阴穴,这也是命门为“五脏六腑之本”和“其气与肾通”的经络学证据。《内经》的命门及其足太阳经可以完整的诠释《难经》命门的所有功能。

    〔关键词〕 命门/目;脑芯/间脑;足太阳经;形态解剖学;生理学

    〔中图分类号〕R221 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2018.09.011

    〔Abstract〕 Based on the morphology, anatomy, and physiology of the brain, this article discusses the eyesight life-gate theory in Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) and the brain heart life-gate theory proposed by Zhang Jingyue. The diencephalon in the middle of the brain is what Zhang Jingyue calls the brain heart, or the brain core. The brain heart is the innate essence hidden by the eyesight life-gate in Neijing and is the essence of the life-gate. The foot sun is the meridian that originates from the eyesight life-gate and the brain heart, and along this meridian, the vital energy from the brain, heart, and essence goes through the eyesight, out of the life-gate, up to the forehead, and down into the five viscera and six bowels, in order to promote and stimulate the physiological activities of the five viscera and six bowels; finally, it is implanted into the Zhiyin point at the Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin only through the kidney. It is also the meridian and collateral evidence for the fact that the life-gate is the "essence of five viscera and six bowels" and "its pneuma and the kidney are interlinked". The life-gate and foot sun meridian in Neijing can fully interpret all the functions of the life-gate in Classic on Medical Problems.

    〔Keywords〕 life-gate/eyesight; brain heart/diencephalon; foot sun meridian; morphology and anatomy; physiology


    1 间脑是目睛命门所藏的先天之精




    “精成而脑髓生”,脑髓是由先天之精而成!但是脑髓有大脑和脑芯先后天之分(见图2),无论从解剖还是从功能上看,脑芯是高级脑部位,大脑是低级脑部位,是脑芯的延伸部分,是后来者[1]461。有思有虑的大脑主宰着躯体视听言行之心理活动,体现着后天识神的作用;无思无虑的脑芯主宰着五脏六腑内脏的生理活动,发挥着先天元神的功能。脑芯与大脑有先后天之区分,所以先天之精的“精成而脑髓生”应该是“精成而脑芯生”!从发生学上来看,脑芯就应是目睛命门所藏的先天之精。, http://www.100md.com(贾耿)
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    参见:首页 > 中医药 > 针骨专业 > 经络穴位 > 穴位大全图解 > 督脉穴 > 命门 Mingmen (DU4)